The 12 Universal Laws & How To Apply Them

Vikash Gautam
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The 12 Universal Laws & How To Apply Them: A Manual For Leading A Meaningful Life

The 12 Universal Laws & How To Apply Them

The cosmos is governed by the 12 Universal Laws, which you can understand and apply to lead a more fulfilling life. Each law will be discussed in this post, along with advice on how to apply it to your everyday life.


Have you ever had the impression that life is more than what you are now going through? Maybe you've tried a few different methods to obtain fulfilment and happiness, but nothing seems to work. If this describes you, it may be time to learn more about the 12 Universal Laws.

The cosmos is governed by the 12 Universal Laws. They serve as the cornerstone for building the life you want. You'll discover that life becomes more meaningful and enjoyable once you comprehend and start putting these laws into practice.

We'll go over each of the 12 Universal Laws in this article and provide advice on how to apply them to your everyday life.

1. The Divine Oneness Law

All other Universal Laws are built on the Law of Divine Oneness. Everything in the universe is said to be interdependent and interrelated. The entire universe is made up of a single, cohesive energy field.

How to apply - Start with realising that you are interconnected with everything and everyone in the universe if you want to put this law into practice. This entails being respectful and compassionate to others while keeping in mind that their wellbeing is intertwined with your own. It also entails looking after oneself because your health has an impact on the health of the entire cosmos.

2. The Law of Vibration

According to the Law of Vibration, all matter in the cosmos is composed of energy that vibrates at various frequencies. The lowest subatomic particles to the greatest galaxies are all included in this.

How to apply - Start by becoming conscious of your own vibrational frequency before applying this concept. You can achieve this through meditating, visualizing, or by simply being aware of your thoughts and feelings. When you become conscious of your own frequency, you can attempt to increase it by putting your attention on uplifting ideas and feelings.

3. The Law of Action

The Law of Action states that in order to manifest your desires, you must take action. This means putting in the work to achieve your goals, rather than just waiting for them to come to you.

How to apply - To practice this law, start by setting clear goals for yourself and taking action towards achieving them. This could mean breaking your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps, or simply taking a leap of faith and trying something new.

4. The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence states that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. This means that your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shape the world around you.

How to apply - To practice this law, start by becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs. Are they serving you, or are they holding you back? Once you are aware of any negative thought patterns, work to replace them with more positive and empowering beliefs.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that every action has a corresponding reaction. This means that the choices you make today will shape your future.

How to apply - To practice this law, start by taking responsibility for your actions and their consequences. Think about the impact your choices will have on your future, and make decisions that align with your long-term goals.

6. The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation states that you will be rewarded for your efforts. This means that the universe will respond to your actions in a way that reflects your intentions and energy.

How to apply - To practice this law, focus on taking positive actions that align with your goals and intentions. Trust that the universe will respond in kind, and be open to receiving the rewards that come your way.

7. The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. This means that the energy you put out into the universe will attract similar energy back to you.

How to apply - To practice this law, focus on cultivating positive thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Visualize the life you want to create and feel the emotions associated with that vision. This will help you attract the people, opportunities, and experiences that align with your desires.

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that all energy is constantly in motion and can be transformed from one form to another. This means that you have the power to transform your life by changing your energy.

How to apply - To practice this law, focus on raising your vibrational frequency by surrounding yourself with positive people, experiences, and environments. You can also transform negative energy by focusing on gratitude and forgiveness.

9. The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that everything in the universe is relative and subjective. This means that your perception of a situation is based on your personal experiences and beliefs.

How to apply - To practice this law, remember that your perception is subjective and may differ from someone else's. Try to see situations from multiple perspectives and remain open-minded.

10. The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything in the universe has an opposite. This means that every situation has both positive and negative aspects.

How to apply - To practice this law, focus on finding the positive in every situation, no matter how challenging it may seem. This will help you maintain a positive outlook and attract more positivity into your life.

11. The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm states that everything in the universe has a natural ebb and flow. This means that there are times of expansion and growth, as well as times of contraction and rest.

How to apply - To practice this law, recognize that there will be ups and downs in your life. Trust that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good, even during challenging times.

12. The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender states that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine energy. This means that there is a balance of yin and yang in all things.

How to apply - To practice this law, focus on balancing your masculine and feminine energies. This could mean embracing your nurturing side, practicing self-care, or setting healthy boundaries.

In conclusion, the 12 Universal Laws are strong tenets that can assist you in building the life you want. You may nurture good energy, attract wealth, and lead a more satisfying life by following these laws.

Though it takes time and effort to follow these laws, the benefits are worthwhile. Start small and incorporate one or two laws into your regular activities. Gradually increase your compliance with all 12 laws.

You can use the power of the Universal Laws and build the life of your dreams if you have patience and perseverance.


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