How To Use Law Of Attraction

How To Use Law Of Attraction

How To Use Law Of Attraction?

According to the Law of Attraction, you can attract positive and negative things to your life through your thoughts and actions. It is based on the principle that everything is made of energy, but that the type of energy it emits will return to you. If you are ready to use the Law of Attraction to communicate your desires to the universe, then begin by creating a positive mindset. After that, work towards your goals and face failures with a good attitude.

1. Positive Mindset

A. Focus on what you want out of life, not what you don't have. Don't think about your old, broken car. Imagine instead that you are driving a new car. It focuses attention on what you want to bring into your life, not on what you want to take out of it. It sends a message to the universe that you want your hope for good things to happen!

  • The idea behind this is that what you think about is what you want in your life. So that, even if you think: 
  • I would stay here, so that the car broke down less often», you still concentrate on your old car, and not on the new one. 
  • Another example: instead of thinking to yourself: I hope I won't fail this semester, think: I'm studying so I can get good grades.

B. State your wishes in positive terms. It's important to avoid using negative words like "no" or "don't" to state your wishes, as in, "I don't want to lose my job." Similarly, use the words you want to avoid attracting the wrong things. For example, "I don't want to lose" emits the word "lose", while "I want to win" emits the word "win.

Tip: The law of attraction says that the universe catches the words you use, not the intention behind them. This means that the "borrowing" will be caught by the Universe "borrowing".

C. Visualize how your dreams come true. Close your eyes and imagine that you are living the life you want. Imagine that you are doing what you love, showing your skills or getting into a new car. Do this daily to strengthen your intentions and bring them one step closer to reality.

  • Visualize yourself always successful. For example, imagine that you have received a promotion at work, and are not simply performing your daily job. You don't just want to get a job; You want to succeed in this.

D. You are grateful for what you have: you are grateful for the good things in your life, you feel good about life, which supports your positive mindset. Being grateful for the good things in life makes you feel better, which also supports your positive mindset. Say the things you are grateful for out loud, or have a gratitude diary and write them down. In addition, thank people for the good things they bring to your life.

  • For example, every morning after getting out of bed, write down three things you are grateful for. This helps you start a day of good humor.

E. Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day to reduce your stress levels. Stress is a normal part of life, but it will wear you down a lot. Eliminate everyday stress with a short meditation that will help you relax both your mind and body. For a simple meditation, sit in a comfortable position and then close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing and allow the thoughts to come and go.

  • You can find guided meditations online or through apps like Calm, Headspace or Insight Timer.

F. Instead of worrying, plant thoughts about how things could be improved. Worry can make you act out what you're trying to avoid. When concern arises, he asks: What are the chances that it will turn into reality? Legue, think about what happened when you were anxious in the past. Then, think about the worst that could happen if what really worries you happens. You'll probably notice that this isn't a big problem over a long period of time.

  • For example, let's say that you are concerned about feeling embarrassed during a presentation. How likely is this to succeed? What has passed before? If you are equivocal, would it really make a difference? After a year, what will you remember? You will probably be told that your concern was, in fact, no big deal.
  • It will also help you to imagine how your life will be in the next 5 or 10 years. Will you sign something then the things that concern you? Probably no. For example, it is possible that he will worry about retesting an exam, but it is more likely that he will not even remember it within 5 years.

Advice: If you can't stop worrying, write your worries in a diary. Then keep a diary so that you can get the thoughts out of your head.

G. It's time to learn to stay positive, because it can be difficult. In the beginning, it can be difficult to keep your thoughts positive. It is natural that negative thoughts come back to you. However, when confronting negative thoughts intentionally, you can force yourself to concentrate on the positive. Accept, reject them and then replace them with something positive. With practice, you can become more positive with the weather.

  • For example, you can follow thinking: "I worked very hard, but it seems that I can't get any results". Stop for a moment and think why you have this thought. Then, count the positive experiences you've had while working to reach this goal, like the new things you've learned or the new experiences you've had. In the last instance, decide on something positive in the situation. You can tell yourself: "I am improving with the time and I am proud of my progress".

2. To Act

A. Create a vision board for the life you desire. Make a collage of words and images cut from magazines, prints or photos for the life you desire. hang up your collage in a habitable space where you can see it all the days. Then, look at your vision board every day to get the motivation to work towards achieving your goal.

  • For example, you can include the house you want, the car you want, the name of the job you want, and photos of a loving couple.
  • Remember, the vision board is not a magical variety. If you want to achieve, you have to do one thing or the other to achieve.

B. Do something small every day to move you towards your goal. Start dedicating 15 minutes a day to achieve your goal. After that he proceeded from there. To track your progress, make a list of the small steps you need to take to reach your goal, then measure the steps you take. These little actions will help you get big results!

Advice: Try to work on your objective at the same time every day. For example, it is possible that she may wake up 15 minutes earlier every morning to work towards her goal. In the same way, you can spend half of your lunch hour working to achieve your goal.

C. Be responsible for what it takes to reach your goals, set expectations and when they don't come true, accept them as they are. Then, analyze why you struggle to meet your expectations and decide if you need to change something. In the same way, reward by the hard work that you realize to achieve your objective.

  • For example, let's say you decide to work an hour every day to achieve your goal, but only do it the first day. Then suppose that you do not work, but also think that you should reduce the time of work even more. Sometimes you should do this for 15 minutes a day and then see if you can reach that goal.

D. Ask about the things you need and what you want from others. Only in this way these people will know what you expect from them. No one can know what you have on your mind, so you must tell people what you think. You must speak clearly and honestly about your needs and desires, and then, perhaps, you will get them.

  • Let's say you want to spend time with another. Then instead of saying: It would be nice if I had plans for this weekend, say: Hey, don't you want to go to the movies with me on Friday evening?
  • If you want your roommate to be more helpful around the house, don't say: i wish it was cleaner here. Instead say: You don't put your dirty clothes in the basket, but you take your things out of the common area?

E. Always Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself to take action. It is natural to have negative thoughts about yourself, but this can prevent you from achieving your goals. When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, ask yourself a question and replace that thought with a positive one. Also, to stay on track, silently repeat your favorite positive mantra throughout the day.

  • Let's say you catch yourself thinking, "I'll never be able to give a big public speech." Rebut this idea by saying that everyone starts somewhere and that practice can lead to improvement. Then tell yourself . you will do best perform in front of audiance.
  • Repeat a positive mantra to yourself throughout the day, such as "I am living the life of my dreams," "I am successful," or "I radiate happiness."

3. Reaction To Failure

A. Realize that you are not to blame for misfortunes, diseases or events that do not depend on you: everyone sometimes encounters difficulties. This may include job loss, illness or injury. When this happens, don't blame yourself, because it happens to everyone.

  • Let's say that someone crashes into you while you are driving a car. It's unfortunate, and you didn't do it. Don't blame yourself!
  • A person's life cannot be perfect without difficulties, even if he uses such tools as the law of attraction.

B. Focus on changing your reaction to difficulties, not avoiding them. You can't prevent all bad things, because it's impossible. But you can react better to them. Instead of getting upset, accept difficulties as a part of life. Then extend a helping hand to those who care about you.

  • Admittedly, you lost the job that you really wanted. Instead of lamenting your loss, simply accept that this time it was bound to happen. Then think about how you can use this experience to be better in the future.

C. To see in difficulties or obstacles the lesson or the blessing of hope ahead It helps to see the good that difficulties have brought into your life. When you are ready, think about what happened, and see how it has benefited your life as a person. Similarly, think about how you can help others, based on your own experience.

  • Don't beat yourself up to find the lesson or the silver lining before you're ready.
  • For example, failing a class can teach you how to learn better, and a tragic breakup can teach you what you want from a relationship.

D. Take yourself in hand, to increase self-confidence after failures or difficulties. Encountering an obstacle can shake your confidence and destroy your positive attitude, but regaining control will help you reach your goals. The power returns. Start by making a list of things you can do to move forward. Then do one small thing that will help you move in the right direction.

  • Example- You lost your job. Then instead of obsessing over it, update your resume and find another job. Preparing for a new job, attend online courses to improve your professional skills.

Tip: If you need help, ask for it. Getting help from others can be part of control.


  • The law of attraction and striving for the universe is not the same. You only focus your attention on expelling positive energy, so that you can attract more positive energy.
  • Express good feelings, listen to your favorite song, enjoy your hobby or spend time with your friends. This will help you stay positive.
  • First focus on small, easily measurable goals. For example, you can start by getting a good grade in class or getting a pet. Thus, you will be able to measure its results.
  • Be patient, because changes take time. If you allow yourself to fall into despair, then you will send negative thoughts into the universe, which will take more time for your wishes to come true.


  • Avoid anxiety, as it sends a message to the universe that you expect something bad to happen. Instead visualize a positive future for yourself.
  • Do not pay attention to any one person or thing in particular. For example, don't try to make someone fall in love with you. Imagine yourself in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone you should be with.
  • Do not blame yourself in difficulties! You cannot be blamed for the health or actions of others.